Video - The Un-Kissable Ki*ds Curse: A Campy Short about Gay Kisses and Bullies
3 months ago
Introduction A bullied ki*d drinks a magical potion before reading the fine print. Funny fluff piece about bullying and a boy's first gay kiss Havan_IronOak7 July 2018 When a boy is being bullied, he hides inside the tent of a gypsy fortune teller. She gives him a potion that will "solve all his problems" but when he reads the fine print, he sees that there is a catch. Now he must get love's true kiss quickly or disappear. Campy short that never takes itself too seriously. Funny in spots but never laugh out loud funny and it feels stretched in spots like it needed to be x minutes long to qualify for something. The dance number at the end is OK enough but again, there's nothing here that that's too memorable.
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